Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Updates Galore!

We have had a very busy late winter and spring, but nothing too out of the ordinary. I was in NYC for a conference in February and enjoyed a much needed relaxing spring break! Ryan presented in two conferences in New Orleans and Orlando, and went to Italy for 10 days for work. Lucky guy! The kids are amazing, as usual, and a true joy to be around every single day! Here are some of the latest updates - pictures from my phone....but more to come from the other camera soon!

Adelyn gets her first trophy at gymnastics....

And Abel does headstands EVERYWHERE. (This is at the Y after swim lessons)

We celebrate the Butler Bulldogs going to the National Championship AGAIN! Here we are at a pep rally on campus...

And here I am celebrating in alternative ways...

And we put on our fancy clothes to have Easter dinner with my family. It was a beautiful day!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy Ryan!

Happy Birthday Ryan!

He just keeps getting better and better with age! We love Daddy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

I Resolve...

To do a better job at posting on our blog???

I've learned to not do resolutions. For me, they're always about losing weight, and frankly, I'm tired of that resolution. So this year, I'm just working on me. And working on me includes making sure that no matter how busy I (we) are, I'm making time for friends and family - and that includes keeping our blog somewhat up to date.

So, what I'm posting below are some of my favorite pictures from 2010 (from after when I posted in July) - which will hopefully lead to even better ones in 2011! Cheers and love to you all!

Celebrating Adelyn's 2nd birthday

Abel's First Baseball Team - check out that swing!

At our friend's lake house - Adelyn had NO FEAR

Abel and Adelyn - great friends!

Big brother helping out little sister...on a hike in Santa Fe

Yoga pose in Santa Fe - I've still got it....sort of

She's just developing it....

We said, "Smile!" and they did this...they truly love each other!

"Adelyn, what do you want to be for Halloween?" Um, Mac and there you have it. Mac and Cheese and Batman!

Abel's 4th Birthday....Daddy's new job is at Butler and Abel's become a BIG Bulldog fan!

Annual trip to Chicago at Christmas and annual picture in front of the tree at The Drake

Daddy does yoga on a hike in Santa Fe at Christmas...

These two would run everywhere if we let them...on a hike in the Santa Fe moutains

Last family picture of the year - love love love!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Joy, joy, joy!

These babies are the best - and I guess they aren't so much babies anymore, but it's what I'm calling them for as long as I can. Here are some new pictures - enjoy!

Adelyn Lee

Abel Bates

Sibling LOVE!

Friday, June 4, 2010

She's TWO!

Adelyn turned TWO this past weekend! She's awesome. Seriously. The picture above is so indicative of her, it's amazing. She has tons of spunk, even though she's very particular, she's happy all the time, she has a voracious appetite, she loves to read, she's a great dancer, she sings at the top of her lungs, and we hear new words every day.

She's just awesome.

Her birth (and age for that matter) represents much to us. Ryan defending his dissertation and graduating, us moving to Indy, buying a new house, starting new jobs, making new friends....and it all started with Adelyn's birth on May 29, 2008.


Monday, May 10, 2010

She Did It! She Did It!

On Saturday, Court ran the Mini-Marathon in Indy. She's been training hard for months, and she met a huge goal! We're so proud of Mama!!!!!